Updated every...wait, when is this thing updated, anyways?!
- The Catling Chronicals - Saturday, September 29, 2001
:Kira's Corner:
.........Ohayo, minna! Well, today is the first official day of CAT! Waii!! -^__^- ::dances around the room:: Ahem. Yes. Anyways...I'd like to start off by saying that trying to set up this page was hell. Agh! I took me forever!!! *dies* If there are some bugs, that's my fault. -.-;; Please don't kill me. I'm new at this.
This rant was pretty short...in fact...it wasn't even a rant! *gasp* Imma have ta get someone to help me out with this dang page, no way can Kira do it on her own... *grumble grumble*
OH! And someone remind me not to make my images so big!!! Grr... Well, nothing more to report on at the time being. Drop me a line or sign the guestbook and tell me what you think.
Bai bai for now! ~Kira~